In the Flower CSA Shares Week 6 (July 20-26/2014):
Baby Blue-Eyes
Bachelor Buttons
Nigella Love-in-the-Mist
Last week's shares marked the half-way point of the season, I can hardly believe it! When I felt like it was a crazy idea to even fathom in the early spring, it felt like such a huge task to undertake. It's amazing how practice and time and planning and actually enjoying the work you're doing make the work you're doing hardly seem like work at all! And it has worked. Amazingly! I'm enjoying it like crazy and already thinking about how to grow and plant even more for next year!
In the Garden:
The crabgrass is insane. I've been able to keep up with it for the most part until now, but I feel like I'm starting to lose the battle! Not giving up, though, just researching more organic ways to fight it that won't damage the soil and that don't involve my favorite method up until this point - me pulling every bit that comes up by hand. I got out there for one last big push to get it by hand on Friday, but I think it's going to need to involve more aggressive tactics from now on! If anyone has any favorite methods, please feel free to send my way!
The sunflowers are starting to bloom even more and so are the Dahlias, both of which are making me happy. I also have a few Sweet Peas that I planted early in the season that I thought were a lost cause this year that are just starting to make an appearance! For as much as I thought I didn't care too much about Zinnias when I planted them, those girls sure are pretty. They're colorful and cheerful and easy to grow and predictable and just keep producing and loved by all of the bees in the backyard. I thought they're just sort of be something to be able to count on this year, and they have been, but I didn't think I'd be staring at the start of August and already thinking of how many more varieties of Zinnias I want to plant next year!
The pictures are beautiful! So happy to hear Sunflowers are blooming- they are my absolute favorite! I love my weekly flowers because I put them on my desk at work and everyone (patients and coworkers) compliments them! Beautiful! Thank you for such a great idea!